Chapter Introduction | |
G05CAF | Pseudo-random real numbers, uniform distribution over (0,1) |
G05CBF | Initialise random number generating routines to give repeatable sequence |
G05CCF | Initialise random number generating routines to give non-repeatable sequence |
G05CFF | Save state of random number generating routines |
G05CGF | Restore state of random number generating routines |
G05DAF | Pseudo-random real numbers, uniform distribution over (a,b) |
G05DBF | Pseudo-random real numbers, (negative) exponential distribution |
G05DCF | Pseudo-random real numbers, logistic distribution |
G05DDF | Pseudo-random real numbers, Normal distribution |
G05DEF | Pseudo-random real numbers, log-normal distribution |
G05DFF | Pseudo-random real numbers, Cauchy distribution |
G05DHF | Pseudo-random real numbers, chi-square distribution |
G05DJF | Pseudo-random real numbers, Student's t-distribution |
G05DKF | Pseudo-random real numbers, F-distribution |
G05DPF | Pseudo-random real numbers, Weibull distribution |
G05DRF | Pseudo-random integer, Poisson distribution |
G05DYF | Pseudo-random integer from uniform distribution |
G05DZF | Pseudo-random logical (boolean) value |
G05EAF | Set up reference vector for multivariate Normal distribution |
G05EBF | Set up reference vector for generating pseudo-random integers, uniform distribution |
G05ECF | Set up reference vector for generating pseudo-random integers, Poisson distribution |
G05EDF | Set up reference vector for generating pseudo-random integers, binomial distribution |
G05EEF | Set up reference vector for generating pseudo-random integers, negative binomial distribution |
G05EFF | Set up reference vector for generating pseudo-random integers, hypergeometric distribution |
G05EGF | Set up reference vector for univariate ARMA time series model |
G05EHF | Pseudo-random permutation of an integer vector |
G05EJF | Pseudo-random sample from an integer vector |
G05EWF | Generate next term from reference vector for ARMA time series model |
G05EXF | Set up reference vector from supplied cumulative distribution function or probability distribution function |
G05EYF | Pseudo-random integer from reference vector |
G05EZF | Pseudo-random multivariate Normal vector from reference vector |
G05FAF | Generates a vector of random numbers from a uniform distribution |
G05FBF | Generates a vector of random numbers from an (negative) exponential distribution |
G05FDF | Generates a vector of random numbers from a Normal distribution |
G05FEF | Generates a vector of pseudo-random numbers from a beta distribution |
G05FFF | Generates a vector of pseudo-random numbers from a gamma distribution |
G05FSF | Generates a vector of pseudo-random variates from von Mises distribution |
G05GAF | Computes random orthogonal matrix |
G05GBF | Computes random correlation matrix |
G05HDF | Generates a realisation of a multivariate time series from a VARMA model |
G05ZAF | Selection of basic algorithm random number generator or Wichmann--Hill algorithm generators for subsequent calls to G05 routines |